Secondary section of neocities

hello! this is me trying out a secondary section for my neocities so all of my entries don't have to be in the same place. below is a section on soil taxonomy! I may not be updating this frequently as it is not my current main interest. (S.L.C 12/20/2024)

started WEDNESDAY 12/18/2024
---State soil rankings---
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I may not be an expert in every state soil, it's taxonomic grouping, or it's beautiful details, but I am one for ranking things, and I am one for dirt. Big dirt fan me. The following list has been taken from wikipedia. I do not think it is exhaustive nor do I think this is a complete rating of the merits of each soil. Take what you will with this.


Starting off!

Alabama- Bama series soils are Alabama's state soil set. They are fine-loamy, siliceous, subactive, thermic Typic Paleudults. these are a series of very deep well-drained moderately permeable soils on high stream or broad marine terraces which can be found in Alabama Florida, Mississippi, and Virginia and ranges from fine sandy loam in varying shades of brown(10YR 5/4 @E) before revealing a rich sandy clay loam of red (2.5YR 4/8 @Bt4) . It is acidic and subangular. It is massive and is commonly stratified.
Wonderful soil rich, and beautiful in color. 94/100


Tanana soil named after the Tanana river boasts a few major benefits. One it is supports black spruce forests, and has permafrost within 50 inches of the surface. They are found widely through the interior of Alaska and when cleared and thawed can become productive farmland. They consist of shallow to deep poorly drained alluvium. It is taxonimized as coarse-loamy, mixed, superactive, nonacid, subgelic Typic Aquiturbels.It's organic material layer can be 2-8 inches thick and the material is slightly to moderately decomposed and mostly originating from moss. the top soil is humus. This soil set's color profile ranges from black(10YR 2/1: 8-14 inches) to permanently frozen mixed gray (5Y 5/1) and olive brown (2.5Y 4/3)silt loam stratified with sandy loam in lower levels
great soil, good chill to it, oddly dull, though rich in some ways 87/100


Arizona's state soil is the Casa Grande soil series and it is taxonomized as Fine-loamy, mixed, superactive, hyperthermic Typic Natrargids. As you might have guessed Casa Grande soil is named after the city Casa Grande and it's nearby monument the Hohokam indigenious people used irrigation techniques to leach out the excess salt in the soil to make argicultural conditions correct to grow cotton, grain, and vegetables. Casa Grande soil is mostly found in southern Arizona in the Central Valley. Its color profile ranges from light yellowish brown (10YR 6/4) fine sandy loam at 0-1 inches to strong brown (7.5YR 5/6) clay loam at 18-32 inches, and light brown (7.5YR 6/4) sandy clay loam at 46-60 inches. It has no competing series. Really cool soil. Lots of good history here for it's orgin at least anthroplogically. There should be more reasearch done here I think that could be intresting to see. 90/100

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